PuzzleJoy is a program that will generate puzzles from any images for you to solve.
The application is easy to use: just open an image (only JPEG format supported), make the program generate a puzzle from it, and solve it. As for the puzzles generated, I can not say they are standard and easy to solve. When generating a puzzle, you will be able to scale the image, split it by setting the size of pieces, and the number of rows and columns in your puzzle (the total number of pieces depends on this variables), also you will be able to set white margins pieces. You are not able to specify the shape of pieces, so all the pieces are simply square, which is not interesting and complicates the solving for me.
When solving a puzzle you will be able to cheat: the program can send the selected piece to its correct position, or fetch correct piece to the selected position for you. The status bar will show you the progress of puzzle solving, the time you spend on solving it, and the number of moves and cheats.
The interesting feature the program offers is the so-called Devil's Hand. It randomly swaps the pieces (even the solved ones), thus making it difficult for you to solve the puzzle.